WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2010 is a professional fighting and wrestling video game that was developed by Yuke’s Media Studios and published by THQ Studios. It is the 11th installment in this series that is available to download free from this website, this website always provide working games, so you can easily get it Today. In this series we have also uploaded WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2009 and if you want to download WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2009 game for PC full version, then you can just click on this link. This product initial release date is October 20, 2009 and platforms in which this installment was published were Play Station Portable, Play Station 2, Play Station 3, Nintendo, Mobile, iPhone and XBOX 360. In this product there are two modes, Single Player and Multiplayer.
WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2010 Game is Working or Not?
Yes this is the question that you will ask from me before downloading this file. Well the answer is “Yes” because I have checked this file myself and it is working 100%. I have also shown a proof that is available in the installation video, so don’t get worried, this file is 100% working and free from virus, so don’t hesitate before downloading this file from my website.
Best Screenshots of This Game
How To Download This Game?
This is a torrent file, so it is necessary to install a Torrent Software on your Computer before downloading this file. Use Bit Torrent because it is a best software to get Torrent files.
How To Install This Game?
Installing this file is a little bit tricky, so read these points carefully otherwise you will not be able to install this file. Read these points carefully, but if you don’t want to read these points, then you can watch the installation video.
- Download game file by using Torrent Software
- After downloading game file, download the Emulator file
- When emulator downloading is finished, open file and extract it with WinRAR
- After extraction open emulator folder and launch setup of the Emulator
- Install and update the Emulator file completely
- When installation of Emulator is done, open Emulator folder and then open “BIOS” folder
- Copy all files from “BIOS” folder
- Paste it in C:/My Documents/PCSX 2/BIOS
- After pasting those BIOS in this drive, open Emulator
- Mount Image the CD of WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2010
- Play and enjoy
- That’s it
This is a complete installation pattern and I think this is a little bit difficult. If you cannot understand this pattern, then you can watch the installation video that is available on the link page. Watch that video and if you still face any problem, then you can ask inside comments section, we will try to help you solve your problem.
Features of This Installment?
In each and every product there are some key features included, this is the only reason players love to play that particular installment, so there are also some good features included in WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2010 game for PC.
- High and Stunning Graphics
- Awesome Fighting and Grappling System
- Royal Rumble Selection Matches
- Superstar Creations
- Season Matches
- Real Wrestling Event Case Studies
- Awesome Soundtrack
These were some best features that were included in this installment and these are the only features that the players love and they tend to play this version on their Computers.
Developers, Publishers, Release Dates and Genres Introduction
In each and every installment there are some developers, directors and publishers who make and publish these installments, so I am going to give you a complete idea about the developers, directors, publishers, release dates and genres.
- Developers are Yuke’s Media Studios
- Publishers are THQ Studios
- Release Date is October 20, 2009
- Mode is Single Player and Multiplayer
- Genre is Fighting and Wrestling
This is a clean and perfect idea about each and everything related to the producers and now I think there is no need to explain anymore about this product, now it is time to read the system requirements.
System Requirements
Operating System (OS) = Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
CPU = Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor = 3.0 GHz
Graphics Card = 256 MB
Total Disk Memory = 3.5 GB
RAM = 2 GB
Why the emeulator says the game is an invalid GCM/ISO file or is not a GC/Wii ISO?
Any solution to this problem?
Bro install it correctly, I think you have installed it wrong or you have pasted the BIOS in a wrong way!
can u make the video to install this game? Please…..
I want to play with the keyboard, is it possible?If yes can you help me how to configure?
I will upload the video Today in Hindi Language and then you will learn how to configure everything!